Lenore D’Anzieri
Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence  Leadership Coach

It’s time to reinvent!

There comes a time in our lives that we have to reinvent ourselves and boy, do we get all bent out of shape when that happens. When we are pushed to reinvent, like many of us now during the pandemic, the anxiety can become overwhelming. 

We begin a narrative about how this was not part of the plan, therefore, I do not have a plan, therefore, it cannot happen. That is the narrative that is so dangerous. 

Fear of the unknown is not uncommon to most of us, but it is the one thing that will hold most of us back from taking forward steps. We become paralyzed, scared, anxious and sometimes depressed. 

Fear is a common emotion during any change in our lives. It doesn’t have to be a catastrophic event that presents the need to change. How many people you know have gotten “cold feet” before their wedding? Anxiety over the birth of a child? Each of those occasions result in us reinventing ourselves. 


You just got engaged, found out you are pregnant, received a promotion at work, lost 50 lbs, gained 10 pounds, bought a new house. Just think about the emotions you faced just as you realized the new world you were diving into. 

Just like that, we go from spending all the money we want to understanding that there will be another mouth to feed. We transition from being part of a team to getting that long awaited promotion. The internal conversations that we have can at times cause us self doubt and performance anxiety. The point is, each of these glorious moments are times of lives reinvention. 


What in the world happened?

One day, all the stars are aligned. Our plans are working and we have the world at our fingertips. The next day, just like that…everything changes. We have all learned that lesson at the same time that nothing is forever. Talk about fear of the unknown! Thanks 2020!

If this time isn’t a lesson in endurance, I don’t know what is. For many of us, it is a time to reinvent ourselves out of necessity, with no time to spare. We have been touched economically, emotionally, mentally and some of us physically. Now more than ever is not the time for self doubt and negative internal narratives. What is there to do?

I believe first we need to reflect on times in our lives where we needed to pull strength. How did we do it? What conversations did I have with myself? Who helped me through those times? What resources did I have? You are reading this now, so obviously, you made it through! Congratulations!

Reinventing yourself isn’t easy, but it can be so exciting and that is how you should think of it. During one of my reinvention times, I was really scared. I had health issues and was running out of money. My daughter reminded me that I will never be homeless and I will never be hungry. That became my internal conversation and pulled me through that time.

You are never too much of anything to reinvent yourself. Never too old, too young, too inexperienced,